Misson & Policies

Connect Community. Provide Access. Share Resources.

Circulation Policy

All library users wishing to borrow items, must first register for a library card.  New patrons, within 6 weeks or less of getting their library card, will be limited to two checkouts at a time. Holds can be placed for items belonging to any of the MORE consortium libraries, as well as within the Wisconsin state catalog.  Once an item is borrowed, it is the patrons responsibility to return the item on time with no damage.  Looking for more information?  Read the full policy or contact our staff.

Collection Development and Management Policy

The library provides an impartial environment in which individuals and their interests are brought together with the universe of ideas and information spanning the spectrum of knowledge and opinions. This policy defines the scope of the collection and articulates the overarching principles which shape the development and management of the Augusta Memorial Public Library’s collection. Our Collection Development and Management policy guides the Library’s responsibility to select, acquire, make accessible, maintain, and preserve the Library’s collection.

This policy establishes a process for addressing patron questions and concerns, and defines the roles and responsibilities for addressing those concerns.

Read the full Collection Development and Management Policy or contact library staff.

Computer Use Policy

To Read Full Policy

I agree to use Augusta Memorial Public Library computers in a responsible manner and to follow all rules concerning limited computer time. I will not use the Internet for any purpose prohibited by federal, state or local laws or regulations. I will not misrepresent myself by any means and will use only the library card authorized for my use. I will not alter hardware or software, nor make copies of copyrighted or licensed material or data unless such use is authorized.

I agree to use appropriate discretion when viewing materials and will refrain from displaying materials on a terminal when so requested by Library staff. The Library Conduct Policy details patron standards of conduct and procedures related to the violation of these standards. Patrons may request a copy of this policy from Library staff.

I understand that failure to comply with this agreement may result in the loss of library privileges, up to and including permanent trespass from the Augusta Memorial Public Library facilities. The library has no control over information obtained through the Internet and cannot be held responsible for its content or accuracy.

The library assumes no responsibility for damages, direct or indirect, for the use of the Internet including, but not limited to, damage to the patron’s computer equipment.

Last Board Review 11-2024


Equipment Use Policy

The library has multiple pieces of electronic equipment that is available to the public for use.  This policy lists types of equipment and any associated costs pertaining to each.  To read the full policy.

Reference Service Policy

While the staff of the Augusta Memorial Public Library is here to provide information and guidance to patrons that need it, the use of the guidelines within this policy allow us to better serve the whole of the population.  For the complete list of these guidelines, please refer to the Reference Service Policy, or contact library staff.


Library Conduct Policy

Under the provisions of Chapter 43 of the Wisconsin State Statutes, specifically section 43.52 (1), Augusta Memorial Public Library Board of Trustees may enact regulations that serve to ensure the safety of all library staff and patrons, protect the usefulness of the collection, and maintain order in the library.  It is expected that all patrons and staff will follow these guidelines to provide a safe and friendly environment for library use.  Any patron whose behavior is disorderly or disruptive may be subject to the library’s policy on Revoking Library Privileges.  Read the full Library Conduct Policy, our Child Safety Policy or contact library staff.