If I’m honest, I really didn’t know too much about butterflies before planning our next crafternoon project. I’ve always appreciated their pretty colors among my flowers and knew that they played an important role as pollinators, but I think I really underestimated how interesting the species is!

Did you know that butterflies are “solar powered”? They’re in a class of cold- blooded creatures who depend on the sun to regulate their body temperature. In fact, if it’s not at least 55 degrees outside, you probably won’t see butterflies flying!  Did you also know that while some butterflies only live for a short 24hrs, a species in Africa has been known to live for 15 YEARS?! How cool is that?

As our temps increase, I’ve been spotting a few of these beauties around my yard. Bright orange ones, pale yellow ones, and my personal favorite, those cute little blue ones.
If you’d like to see more butterflies this season, make sure to tune into our next crafternoon happening this Tuesday, May 11th at 4PM. As always, the instructional video will be available on our youtube channel (AMPLWI). I will be going over how to attract butterflies by implementing a puddler! We have kits available at the library with everything you’ll need to make one. Plus, a little butterfly “journal” for the kiddos to keep track of the different types they see. Call us today to reserve yours!