Even if we break by Marieke Nijkamp

I have a few questions I would like to start off with this month.  Discussion does not have to be limited to these, but I do think they are a good starting point.  What did you all think about the book? *Ever talks about his job in the group, “It’s (their) job to...

Life as we knew it: Topic 1

Let’s compare and contrast the book to (Covid) real life.  What are some of the things that happened in the book that reminded you of your life right now?  What are some of the things that you are super glad (or sad) are not happening IRL?

The Rules

Each new post for discussion will include a cover image of the book plus a short summary of the title.  Included in the comments will be questions posed by library staff.  Teens are welcome to continue threads for these comments or add comments of their own regarding...