Get a library card
Registering for a library card allows access to materials from the 50 MORE libraries, databases and e-content all for free!  Anyone, 16 or older, can sign-up with just a quick stop at our front desk.  15 or younger will need a parent or guardian present.
Connect to Wi-Fi or use a computer

Computer use is available at the library, including access to a printer.  Use is limited to one hour, should other patrons require.  Prints are $.10 for black and white, $.25 for colors.

Have your own device?  Connect to our wifi, inside or out, free of charge.

Pay fines
Any time your card has more than $10 in fines a block is placed, preventing checkouts.  Fines can be paid at the library, using cash or check, or online using a credit card.
Search geneology

The library has collected obituary data to help in your geneology research.  Microfilm of our local newspaper is available along with both printing and scanning capability.  Staff is available to assist in your research projects.


We think the library is a great place to work and are honored in your interest to join us.  Check out our volunteer application for more details.

Contact Library Staff
Have a question not answered here?  We want to help!
Sign up for our e-newsletter

Our newsletter, Check This Out, comes out twice a month, covering the latest programs, events, and projects happening at the library.  Sign up today!

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