by Augusta Admin | Mar 30, 2021 | Hey Parents!
This spring has been a welcome one- but also has left me waiting for the other shoe (or in this case blizzard) to drop. Now don’t get me wrong- as a true blue Wisconsinite, I love the snow. I believe that winter isn’t really winter without it! However,...
by Augusta Admin | Mar 23, 2021 | Friends of the Library
Looking for a challenge in your life or just an opportunity to meet new people while expanding your vision of the world without a great deal of risk? Look to the library’s book cub. While some book clubs are formed by friends or co-workers, the book club through the...
by Augusta Admin | Feb 26, 2021 | Hey Parents!
As we turn that calendar page from February to March here in Wisconsin, my excited awareness of our increasing daylight hours is at an all time high. An additional two minutes of sunlight at the end of every day may seem like a minimal change, but to me, every minute...
by Augusta Admin | Feb 19, 2021 | Hey Parents!
Hi everyone! My name is Lindsey Clark and I am the Augusta Public Library’s new Youth Services librarian. My introduction into the library world has been a little unorthodox in these “not so normal” times, but I am so very excited to meet you all as...
by Augusta Admin | Feb 19, 2021 | Friends of the Library
Nobody does it better Makes me feel sad for the rest Nobody does it half as good as you Baby, you’re the best… Carly Simon first sang those words in 1977 but they come to mind today as I compose a love letter to the library during this Library Lovers’ Month. I...