The Flatshare Discussion

The Flatshare Discussion

Want to know what the discussion prepared for our Crimes and Passions book group looks like?  You can take a look at the questions and other information Amanda prepares below. The Flatshare Discussion Questions & Recommendations Tiffy and Leon have a unique living...
The Royal We Discussion

The Royal We Discussion

The Royal We Discussion Questions What were your first impressions of the main characters: Bex, Nick, and Freddie? Did you enjoy the parallels between these characters and the actual British royal family? What similarities and differences did you see? This book has a...
The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone

The Friend Zone Discussion Questions 1. The book starts off as a traditional rom-com, but that all changes when Kristen tells Sloan about her medical condition. Why do you think Kristen didn’t tell Sloan sooner? Do you understand why she wants to have surgery? 2. Josh...