by Augusta Admin | Aug 26, 2021 | Hey Parents!
It all started one morning this July when I went out to water my flowers. I planted quite a few new perennials this year, and had a few more coming back for their second year. Among those was one of my favorites, butterflyweed or “Asclepias Tuberosa”. You...
by Augusta Admin | May 10, 2021 | Friends of the Library
DID YOU KNOW that hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards, that hummingbirds are only found in the western hemisphere and that there are over 330 species of them –or that they have no sense of smell but find our bright colored feeders or flowers...
by Augusta Admin | May 10, 2021 | Hey Parents!
If I’m honest, I really didn’t know too much about butterflies before planning our next crafternoon project. I’ve always appreciated their pretty colors among my flowers and knew that they played an important role as pollinators, but I think I...
by Augusta Admin | Apr 20, 2021 | Hey Parents!
They say home is where someone runs to greet you. In my home, that could be any (and usually all) of my five beloved pets. It all started with Layla- my first puppy. After doing a bunch of research on dog breeds, I decided that I was the most interested in Australian...
by Augusta Admin | Apr 19, 2021 | Friends of the Library
“I want something good to read.” How many times have you said that or heard someone else say it; however, you don’t know where to turn to find a book that you really have a desire to read or recommend? The library is full of books, but not necessarily a book that...