Lindsey and I are excited to be offering this new space for parents to find the information they need on the questions they have!

There never seems to be enough time in the day, but that doesn’t stop the worries and thoughts from piling up.  We are here to offer support and our librarian level research skills to the topics that are taking up brain space with no time to gather the information you need.

While Lindsey and I are not parents ourselves, we want to do what librarians do best to support the families in our community. What does that mean for this page? Send us your parenting questions. We will do the research and fill a responding post with what we can find for you to look over and use in the way that best fits your family.

We are not experts. We will never claim to be. But we can commit to the search to save you time to get to the important stuff.

Providing materials and resources that can help answer questions, offer support, and get you back to your kids.